With a New Year Comes new expectations and we are believing for the increase. We have been working on remodeling our center and Raising $5,000 Dollars for the Remodeling of the Facilities. Here is our work so far. we are getting closer to reaching our Goal but we cannot do this alone. You can become part of this movement with a donation of $20 dollars a month you can become a contributing member and help us reach our goals for this year. click on this link to make your pledge. Click Here

Papa Joe one of our Dream Team Veterans Pin Pointing where the Water Filtration originated from last weeks storms.

Then Pastor Miguel took on the task of cleaning the roof and clearing the drains and sealing the cracks.

Here Don Miguel directing traffic and the carpet removal.

Here Working the Flooring glue

Job Well Done

Meanwhile at the Dream Center

Cindy directing traffic

Much More Work to Do

Now we need to fill up the shelves

Our Volunteers working the Can Goods

Thank You Pastor Miguel and Familia for believing in the dream and to all the Volunteers and contributors in making this first phase possible. This is only the beginning. Please consider becoming a monthly contributor with only $20 a month we together can provide a hand up to families in need in during these challenging times. Pledge your Support Today!